Located on picturesque waterfront property
Friendly Manor is a fully accredited facility, during the 2013 Accreditation process Friendly Manor was awarded Accreditation with Exemplary Status.
Friendly Manor is committed to ensuring equal access and participation to people with disabilities. We are committed to treating people with disabilities in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence.
We believe in integration, and we are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner. We will do so by removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and by meeting our accessibility requirements under Ontario’s accessibility laws.
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Admission to Friendly Manor is administered by the South East Office of the Ontario Health at Home. For more information about Admissions, Eligibility Requirements or Financial Arrangements contact the Ontario Health at Home branch nearest you.

The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care sets accommodation co-payment rates for the province. The co-payment rates change from time to time (at a minimum, annually in July). For the most up-to date rates, contact the staff at your local Ontario Health at Home or the Office Manager at Friendly Manor.

If your income is not sufficient to pay for the basic accommodation rate, there is a subsidy available to reduce your accommodation, should you qualify. Subsidies are only available for basic accommodation. The home Office Manager can provide a rate reduction application form for residents to complete. If your are moving into a long-term care home and your spouse requires financial assistance to remain in his or her home, there is a government benefit called “Exceptional Circumstances” for people with lower incomes or couples who have to live separately. For more information, contact your local Ontario Health at Home.